World Wide Web|Web browser|URL|History, and Discovery

World Wide Web

  • The World Wide Web is a system that provides up-to-date information through the Internet. Also abbreviated as WWW, W3, or Web. In 191, while working at CERN (Europe organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland, Team Berners-Lee discovered the web.
    Facts about World Wide Web|URL|HTML|Web browser|Internet|WWW histry|Histry of WWW,html,web browser
  •  The web provides information that can be viewed through multimedia and on issues. Business and documents are called webpages. The web is a set of many such pages. Pages on the Web can be read by a computer program called the Web. Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Google Chrome, Netscape Navigator, etc. are some of the popular browsers. 


  • UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL) is used to uniquely identify a webpage. If the URL is known, it can be accessed directly on the webpage. 
  • The URL is often referred to as the UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR.
  • The web page is stored on a special computer called a server. Any organization can manage servers and store related webpages in them. A set of webpages is called a website. The page shown at the beginning of the website (usually the first page) is referred to as the homepage.
  • Some websites provide services related to business transactions, financial transactions, news service, etc. This is known as a portal. 
  • A portal is a function of access to a resource or service. Portals are usually affiliated with a specific business house or organization.
    Facts about World Wide Web|URL|HTML|Web browser|Internet|WWW histry|Histry of WWW,html,web browser
  • However, the portal may also be a website providing general services like google or yahoo.
  • A web link, called a hyperlink, is provided with the text on the web page to move from one page to another. 
  • The information on the web page is linked by a hyperlink. A language called HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE (HTML) is used to create, modify, and organize web pages.
  • Here are some pre-defined methods for transferring a document to a computer by imitating a link. This method is known as HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL (HTTP) and FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP). Using this protocol simplifies the management of the web.

Web browser

  • An appropriation is required to view the details on a computer screen that retrieves the details and presents them as needed. As we have seen, this app is known as a web browser or browsers. 
  • Although the browser usually works with the web, it can also be used with appropriations and personal networks. The first browser was created by Sir Burns Lee in 1990. It was called the WORLD WIDE WEB and later renamed NEXUS.
    Facts about World Wide Web|URL|HTML|Web browser|Internet|WWW histry|Histry of WWW,html,web browser
  • The main function of the browser is to obtain and present the details of the web before use. The browser identifies the source by URL.
  •  Commonly used URLs start with HTTP or HTTPS and then identify the source from HTTP (HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL). The connection between the users is secure. It is used for an indication of safety.
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