What is a Digital Image? Types of image

An image is not a photo taken or a photo created in a computer, it also has a type.

There are two types of images

(1) digital image and (2) analog image.

Any image is one of these two types. This article provides information primarily with a view to digital image processing.

What is Digital Image Processing?

To understand what digital image processing is, we will lose the word treaty. The word digital image processing is a combination of the two words digital image and processing.

A digital image is made up of a combination of very small pixels. The size of this pixel is very small, when many millions of such pixels are combined, a dot is formed. When millions of such pixels are combined, a picture is formed. Let us understand how color processing is done on this pixel with an example.

Color is required in any image. Similarly, color is added in the form of RGB in digital images. In which R means red, G means green and B means blue. All the other colors are created by using these three colors. For our understanding, we can understand that the pixels have very small lights of these three colors. When we need to display white color in the image these three lights are turned on in such a way that they give maximum light so that we see white color. Now if we need black color then all three lights are turned off so that we see black color.

If we have red, the red light is turned on and the rest of the green and brown lights are turned off. If we need green, blue and red lights are turned off. All this work is done by the machine. Which gives us a clear picture. The number of colors that can be created in the same way is in the millions.

The reason for arranging colors in a digital image in the form of RGB is that it allows us to create a clearer picture in less space.